Muswell Hill Photographic Society
1. Name:
The Club shall be called Muswell Hill Photographic Society (“the Club”).
2. Objectives:
The objectives of the Club shall be to promote, encourage and facilitate interest and participation in any aspect of Photography and kindred subjects.
3. Values:
The Club strives to be inclusive in undertaking its objectives. Members are expected to be polite, supportive and respectful to other members at all times.
4. Affiliation:
a) The Club shall be affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies.
b) The Club shall be affiliated to other such bodies that the Committee may consider appropriate, subject to the objectives of the Club.
5. Membership:
a) Membership is open to anyone aged 18 years or over who agrees to support and uphold the Club’s objects and values regardless of their age, race, gender reassignment, disability, religion or beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or being pregnant or on maternity leave. Applications should be made to the Membership Secretary and membership is subject to the approval of the Committee.
b) There shall be three classes of membership:
full membership;
associate membership; and,
honorary membership.
c) Honorary membership may be conferred on members whom the Club may wish to honour in this way. Proposals for honorary membership shall be ratified at an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”). Those so elected shall enjoy full membership rights without subscription and form a subset of the full membership of the Club.
d) Associate membership is open to previous full members who wish to attend less frequently. Associate members shall not normally be able to take part in club competitions, nor be able to vote at meetings unless otherwise agreed.
e) Members shall abide by this Constitution and any other rules, policies or guidance issued by the Club or the meeting place of the Club. Members will act in a way to avoid damage to the Club or potentially bringing the club into disrepute.
f) The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose conduct in their opinion renders the individual’s continued membership untenable. No member shall be expelled without having the opportunity of appearing before the Committee and responding to the complaint. Any expulsion must be agreed by at least two-thirds of the Committee members present and voting at such a meeting.
6. Subscriptions:
a) The annual subscription shall cover membership from January to December in each year and the amounts payable shall be determined at the AGM.
b) Members joining after 31st January shall pay subscriptions in the year of joining proportionate to months remaining in the subscription year.
c) If any member’s subscription remains unpaid after the due date, as decided and notified by the Committee, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.
d) Associate members may take up full membership again at any time, so long as the difference in subscription is paid.
e) The Club will offer a concession rate on full membership which members are able to take up if needed.
7. Management of the Club:
a) The management of the Club, on behalf of and for the members, is vested in the Committee, comprising:
Club Secretary;
Membership Secretary;
Programme co-ordinator; and,
Digital Team leader.
b) The minimum number elected to the Committee shall consist of the above Officers. In addition ordinary members may be elected to the Committee.
c) The Committee is responsible for all aspects of the day to day running of the Club and by power of a majority vote, may take decisions on behalf of the Club - especially in case of emergencies. The Committee may delegate tasks and activities to sub-teams. Representatives from such teams or any other invited member may attend Committee meetings from time to time. Such attendees will not automatically have voting rights at such meetings but may be awarded them at the discretion of the Committee.
d) Meetings of the Committee shall be held at such time and place that the Committee decide. Attendance by 50% of the Committee members shall form a quorum.
e) The holders of any management positions of the Club shall be re-elected each year at the AGM. The office of President shall not be held by the same person for more than 3 consecutive years. In the event of a replacement not coming forward the term may be extended by a further year. After an interval of 1 year an individual may be re-elected as President.
f) The Committee is authorised to open and manage bank accounts in the name of the Club. Procedures to commit expenditure and manage any accounts shall be specified by the Committee.
g) The Committee will provide a full financial analysis to the Club on a regular basis and at least once a year.
8. General Meetings:
a) Annual General Meeting - The Club year shall run from January to December and an AGM shall be held each autumn to review the year and elect Officers for the following year. The routine business shall include Minutes of the previous meeting, Annual report from the Committee, Annual report and accounts from the Treasurer, Subscriptions and fees for the coming year.
b) Special General Meetings - A Special General Meeting (“SGM”) shall be convened at any time by the Committee or on the requisition of not less than one quarter of the members. No less than ten days written notice shall be given to members of any SGM.
9. Alterations: This Constitution will need revision and alteration from time to time. This Constitution may be altered only at an AGM or SGM.
10. Interpretation: Interpretation of this Constitution shall be vested in the Committee. The Committee shall interpret all clauses and determine any question not provided for therein. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
11. Dissolution: The Club may be dissolved only by the consent of three-fourths of the Members present at a SGM called for the purpose. Following such consent the assets of the Club will be realised and distributed to one or more charities nominated by the Committee.
Last Reviewed: October 2020