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Muswell Hill Photographic Society Data Protection and Privacy – Guidance to Officials and Members 

 Policy Version 1.3 dated October 2020


Muswell Hill Photographic Society (MHPS) is a voluntary run club established with the objects set out in its Constitution, to serve the interests of its Members. MHPS is a data controller within the UK.

We use information which Members and others give us to help with the legitimate interests of running the Club, under the Data Protection Act 2018 (which incorporates the European Union General Data Protection Regulations, GDPR).

The personal information referred to in this Policy may include: name; address; telephone number(s); email address; dates of membership; images (including EXIF data) submitted for competitions, events and club nights; competition scores; the images, audio contributions and computer account identity of online meeting participants; and, such other information as may be necessary for the effective management of the legitimate interests of MHPS.


Anybody wishing to verify the information held on them by the Club must write to the Club Secretary using the contact details published on the web site. Unless a legitimate reason exists, a response will be provided as soon as practical. The individual has a right to rectify any information which is incorrect, or request that it is deleted. Any concerns relating to a data privacy matter should be addressed to the Club Secretary.


MHPS collects and uses personal information for several purposes:

  1. MHPS full member contact list. The Membership Secretary maintains a register of current members containing full contact details. This register is updated at least annually following any changes in membership. Access to this contact list is restricted to the Membership Secretary and Club Secretary. An individual’s data contained within this contact list may be shared with Club Officials on a controlled basis if required for the running of the Club.

  2. MHPS limited member contact list. The Membership Secretary maintains a register of current members containing limited contact details for which prior permission has been received from members to share these details with current members. If a member notifies the Membership Secretary that they do not wish to share any contact details they will not be listed on this contact list. This contact list is updated at least annually for any changes in membership or contact details as notified by members and is circulated to current members.

  3. MHPS email distribution list. An email distribution list is used by the Committee to communicate with members about Club activities (which only displays the email address of the person sending the message). Members may also use this email distribution list if they wish to send a club wide email pertinent to club interests and activities. An automated monthly reminder is sent to members reminding them that they are included on the distribution list. The distribution list is reviewed and updated when necessary to reflect any changes in membership. Access rights to this list is restricted to the Administrator and two Moderators (the Membership Secretary and the Club Secretary).

  4. MHPS Website. MHPS maintains a website for use by Members and the public. It is viewable by anyone. The Club programme is available on the website, including the name of anyone presenting or judging. We publish images submitted for Club nights and may publish Members’ names. If a Member notifies the Club that they do not wish their images to be published they will be omitted. The website also has the facility for members to set up a gallery of their images and upload images to the gallery if they so wish. Any data uploaded to Members’ galleries is at the discretion and control of each member.

  5. MHPS Handbook. From time to time MHPS may publish a Handbook to Members. Such a Handbook may include a list of Club Officials and with their permission contact details.

  6. MHPS Newsletter. MHPS circulates to members a Newsletter which takes the form of an email and is usually produced on a weekly basis. When necessary the Newsletter may include contact details of members submitting material or organising events.

  7. Inter club events. Participating in inter-club events may require personal information and images to be provided to another organisation and we will ask members to agree to this in advance.

  8. General Business.

    a) MHPS may hold personal information for anyone contacting MHPS, or whom MHPS contacts for the purpose of conducting its general business. This information is used to satisfy a requested service or a contractual requirement.

    b) MHPS also keeps records of Officials of the Club, people offering their services to the Club (such as judges, lecturers and models) and prospective members, to help with the running of the Club.​

    c) Members regularly submit images for club nights which contain personal data in the filename and EXIF data. Authors’ names may be attributed to images when presented.


  9. Virtual online meetings. The club may hold virtual online meetings, including when unable to meet in person such as during the Covid 19 pandemic. On the occasions that such meetings are recorded the images, audio contributions and computer account identity of online meeting participants may be recorded and stored. Members and external guests are made aware that a meeting will be recorded in advance and are able to opt out of a meeting if they do not wish their personal data to be recorded. The recordings of such meetings are shared amongst members in a secure manner with a password protected link to the recording which is protected from being downloaded. Members are instructed not to share the password or link with non members.

  10. Social Media platforms and online technology applications. The club may make use of social media platforms and other online technology applications, such as WhatsApp; Facebook; Instagram etc. Member participation in such platforms and applications will be on a voluntary basis at the discretion of the individual and members will be responsible for ensuring they are content with the relevant privacy policies involved in such platforms and applications prior to their participation.

Data Retention

1. General business, membership records and images will normally be held for a maximum of seven years.

2. MHPS may retain historical archives indefinitely, for example but not limited to, records of meetings (including AGMs and Committee meetings), handbooks, programmes, awards and other event results.


3. MHPS will delete recordings of virtual meetings on a regular basis and at least annually.

Marketing activities
The Club will never share membership information with third parties for marketing (including electronic marketing). From time to time, the Committee may circulate information from photographic organisations or individuals, which may be of interest to members, or information about photography activities, events and equipment for sale following prior approval by a member of the Committee.


Policy review

This policy will be reviewed on a regular and at least annual basis by the Committee.

​© Muswell Hill Photographic Society 2025

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