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Neville Morgan LRPS - Gallery                                                    Back to Members Gallery

I am interested mainly in architectural, abstract and urban landscape photography.  I enjoy exploring the way reflective materials such as glass, water, metal, plastics and other sheet materials re-interpret the world around us.  I strive for minimalism in my approach, and always search for different views of the ordinary by exploring line, colour, shape, texture, tone and pattern, looking for interpretation rather than representation.  In my most recent work I have been investigating the potential of Polaroid prints to further express my interests.  I draw my inspiration from both the natural and the built environment.


Runner up in the ‘Cities - Architecture & Spaces’ category of the 2016 Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY).  Also a finalist in the following categories of TPOTY competitions:

2017 - ‘Primary Colours’ / 2018 - ‘Tranquility’ and ‘Smart Shot’ / 2020 - ‘iTravelled’ / 2021 - ‘Icons of Travel’


Runner up in the Open section of the 2022 August Lauderdale House Photography Competition, London.  Open section and Overall Winner of the 2023 Lauderdale House Photography Competition.

I held my first solo exhibition entitled ‘Urban Focus’ in August 2024 at the Upper Gallery, Lauderdale House, Highgate.


For more of my photography check out my website and  Also

Guggenheim Bilbao
Imperial War Museum North
Louis Vuitton Foundation
Guggenheim Bilbao detail
Imperial War Museum North detail
Louis Vuitton Foundation detail
Guggenheim Bilbao deconstructed
Imperial War Museum North deconstructed
Louis Vuitton Foundation deconstructed
Guggenheim Bilbao panel
Imperial War Museum North panel
Louis Vuitton Foundation panel
Urban Underfoot #300
Urban Underfoot Panel 17
Urban Underfoot #299
Groundworks #-12
Groundworks #-3
A10 Spitalfields
A40 Holborn
Golden Jubilee Bridge
Polaroid Lift 008
Polaroid Lift 002
Hemisferic, Valencia
Walt Disney Concert Hall L.A.
City of the Arts & Sciences, Valencia
Telehouse North 2
Jewish Museum, San Francisco
Girl at the V&A
Silver carnival
Pacific tribute
Essex dog walk
War Museum North
White Cube gallery
Posing Denver Art Museum
Villa Savoye staircase
Surface finishes
Spotted wall
Oxford Street underfoot
Two arrows underfoot
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